This is the spot for commentary on comics and anything else I find enetertaining...or random.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hollywoooooood Swingin'!!

This past week, I had the pleasure of attending the Screenwriting Expo6 in Los Angeles. This was the first time I truly put my moey where my mouth is and made a financial commitment to my future. Let me tell you folks, it aint cheap goin to events like that!! Two cool items of note...I sat in on guest speaker Seth Rogen (of Superbad and 40 yr old Virgin fame). He was funny. and...yeah...I think he smokes a lot of weed. I also met briefly Tina Andrews. Ms. Andrews wrote Why Do Fools Fall In Love.

I learned a hell of a lot...I also met some good people. I realize that I definately have a lot of work to do...It's time to hop to it.

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